Thursday, June 27, 2013

गोचरान को खाली कराने व गोचर भूमि विकास बोर्ड की गठन की मांग को लेकर दस मई से आमरण अनशन कर रहे संत गोपालदास आखिरकार सरकारी सिस्टम से दुखी हो गए हैं। उन्होंने संथारा लेने का निर्णय लिया है।


  1. he is right so matter should be looked into.

  2. I request to government officials to look in to this case at the earliest so that we can save our heritage of great India. All our scriptures and many recent research have unlock the importance of cows and their products. I am in the support of this great saint for his great motivation behind his fast. I request to all sincere citizens of India to support the mission of this saint for the true development of Bharat.
